This blog came to me last night, when I was trying to sleep, but couldn't because of the realisation that I will be €22,000 in debt, at least. Thanks to NAMA. So, why don't teenagers have a voice? Because we aren't able to fully comprehend the mechanics of our political system. I don't see what's so complicated. There's 166 seats in the Dáil, and to have a majority you need half plus one, which is 84 seats. The current government is Fianna Fail and the Green Party, with a few independents added in (most notably, our beloved Minister for Health). The opposition is Labour, Fine Gael, Sine Fein and basically all other TDs.
The Seanad has 11 members designated by the Taoiseach, 43 elected by panels of vocational interest, and 6 elected by university graduates (3 from NUI colleges, and 3 from the University of Dublin [AKA, Trinity College]). The Seanad is supposed to not have a party basis, but, because over 16% of it is formed by An Taoiseach, it usually represents the Dáil in one shape or another.
I'm not a member of a political party, whether it be a youth membership or the actual party. I have my political opinions, but they probably won't be too evident. So, sit back, and enjoy my ranting!
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